악세사리 -S1L9
Features:Reed module and the interface comes with digital 13 LED build a simple circuit to produce a Reed warning lamp 13 comes with digital interfaces of the LED, the Reed sensor access number 3 interface, when Reed sensors Sensed a key signal, LED lights, otherwise off.  Routines source code: int Led = 13 ;// define LED Interface int buttonpin = 3; // define the Reed sensor interfaces int val;// define numeric variables val void setup() { pinMode(Led, OUTPUT);// define LED as output interface pinMode(buttonpin, INPUT);// output interface as defined Reed sensor } void loop() { val = digitalRead(buttonpin) ;// digital interface will be assigned a value of 3 to read val if(val == HIGH) // When the Reed sensor detects a signal, LED flashes { digitalWrite(Led, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(Led, LOW); } }
악세사리 색상 이미지-S1L13
악세사리 -S1L11